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The Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Come and join in the fun and celebrations with the rest of the community on this very special occasion. 
Details of the celebrations in Bronllys and Llyswen are detailed below


Bronllys Village

Please see below details of the events taking place in Bronllys village to mark the Queens Jubilee. Plans are still being finalised so please check back again soon to confirm arrangements as they are finalised. 


Thursday 2nd June

8.30pm - Hot soup and rolls available at the Royston Hall

9.45pm - Lighting of the beacon in the field adjacent to the hall.


Friday 3rd June

10.00am - Talgarth walking festival

8.00pm - Music with Meg @ The Cock Hotel, Bronllys. 


Saturday 4th June

1.00pm till 5.00pm - Village fete and family fun day at the Royston Hall Bronllys. Bouncy Castle, Stalls & Fancy Dress Competition. Picnic boxes available to order from the Cock Hotel. Please contact Cath as soon as possible.

8.00pm - Karaoke at the Cock Hotel.


Sunday 5th June

10.00am - Church Service joint with Llanfilo & Talgarth at St Gwendolines Church in Talgarth

3.00pm - BBQ and Street Party outside the Cock Hotel. Bring a plate of party food to share. Jubilee Coin presentation to village primary school children. The road outside the Cock Hotel will be closed to traffic during the hours of 12 noon and 6pm.


Further Information Please contact 


Llyswen Village

Please see below details of the events taking place in Llyswen and Boughrood villages to mark the Queens Jubilee. Plans are still being finalised so please check back again soon to confirm arrangements as they are finalised. 


Thursday 2nd June

9.45pm - Lighting of the Beacon in the field opposite the school. Viewing from school car park, no public access to field.


Sunday 5th June

9.00am - Church Service at Boughrood church followed by planting of the jubilee tree in the church yard. 

2.30pm till 5.00pm - Village Party. Bring your own picnic, located at Llyswen school. Lots happening with games, fancy dress, quiz and a raffle. 

It would be great to see as many people there as possible! 

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