​Bronllys Community Council Website

Former Bronllys CP School Site Development
Pre-Planning Consultation
Asbri Planning Ltd. has been commissioned by Powys County Council to progress a full planning application for the Erection of 17 homes, landscaping and associated works at the Former Bronllys CP School, Neuadd Terrace, Bronllys.
Prior to formal submission to the Local Planning Authority and in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 1A of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012, the proposal will be subject to pre-application consultation.
All relevant drawings, reports and supplementary supporting documents are made available for inspection and review online below. If you are unable to access the documents electronically you may request copies of this information by emailing mail@asbriplanning.co.uk or by telephoning the applicant on 02920 732652.
Anyone who wishes to make representations about this proposed development must do so by the 31st July 2020. We would encourage you to e-mail these to mail@asbriplanning.co.uk, alternatively please download the attached form and send them to;
Asbri Planning Ltd, Unit 9 Oak Tree Court, Mulberry Drive, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Cardiff, CF23 8RS.
Please click here to view the consultation documents on the Asbri Planning Website
The Landscaping plan is below, please click on the image to enlarge